A bit of your past...

Los Angeles
Cold Sweat
Cold Gin
Saigon Kick
The Crews
The Cast
Click on the artwork for the full scoop on each era...

The Lizard 92-93Water, or Fields of Rape: 93, 94 and 95Indonesia 94-95Beginning of the end 95-97


This must be clear: I had nothing to do with the recording of the Lizard CD. However, I was there for the rest of the ride once it hit the stores in the summer of 1992.

With that startling admission out of the way, we were kings of the world from the fall of 1992 to the spring of 1993. It was a short ride on the backs of Love Is On The Way and All I Want, but it was everything I had hoped.

After setting foot onstage in Melbourne, FL for my first gig (where the DJ wouldn’t shut up during her intro, adding to my pre-gig jitters), we headed North into the turbulent world of SK’s fan base. I had never seen such loyal fans. In their home state of Florida, SAIGON KICK were legends. At one gig in Gainesville, we witnessed a human tsunami as it ebbed and flowed people on to and off of the stage. Plenty of energy was exchanged between the band, the music and the audience, but no one got hurt.

Until we arrived in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

A rather stout fellow had decided that stage diving would be a great idea, since all the cool kids were doing it. That night so many people were stage diving it looked like 101st Airborne over Normandy.

We were about five songs into the set when he burst forth from the wings and took flight. Unfortunately for him, the crowd parted and he landed face first on the tile floor. With a wet smack, he was promptly KO’d. We stopped the show as the EMS crew arrived, resuscitated him (to our relief) and removed him from the premises (to the promoter’s relief).

The show resumed, and we had just started the last number when the same guy appeared at the lip of the stage, eye blackened, bandaged up, and screaming loud with the rest of the crowd. What a trooper. I was overcome by the moment and also decided to stage dive, sharing my in brethren’s gig excitement.

Upon diving, the crowd accepted me gently but wouldn’t let me back up to finish the song. As I looked around, stranded in six rows of frenzied Club Eastbrook fans, Matt was waving to me from the stage laughing himself silly. And I was stuck in the crowd, and could only wave back.

Stage diving and its consequences were a persistent theme during that tour. One that got away was in Tallahassee, Florida at an old supermarket they called the Moon.

Scott was the owner/promoter, and he was perpetually hilarious. This guy had a story for everything and was far more entertaining than we could hope to be. He had heard of our crowd’s reputation (but not us), and demanded that no stage diving took place or the show would be over. We acquiesced, and Matt relayed it to the crowd.

Well, the crowd wasn't interested in safety or liability. Maybe it was Matt winking to them as he told them to "cut it out". Again, our stage was Cape Canaveral. We began, we finished, and we waited for our encore stomp from the crowd. We were a little surprised when Scott took the mic in hand, mid-stomp.


Out of the lights came a beer, arcing like an inebriated bird from halfway across the room. The entire contents had managed to remain in the cup the whole way. Upon its sloppy arrival, it slammed into Scott’s head and sprayed everyone like a beer soaked ride through Dealey Plaza.

We held our breath. He didn’t. Beer dripping off of his head, the frenzied bird-flipping tirade gathered steam, and got even louder:


and this continued until he was drowned out and chased off by the chants of SAIGON KICK, SAIGON KICK, SAIGON KICK, SAIGON KICK

We saw Scott again two years later and reminded him of his soggy exit that night, hoping for colorful recollection, or another description of his golf game where every shot "hooked like a duck". No chance. Scott had sobered up. He told us that some bad habits had almost overtaken him completely, and maybe that beer landing in his eyes actually cleared his long term vision. Either way, even now, any SK member will respond by giggling when they hear:

"Hi! I’m Scott, and Welcome to the Moon!"



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All material copyright 2002, McLernon MultiMedia, LLC